miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

Talking about personal information

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you know about facebook?
2. How successful is it?
3. Who created facebook?
4. Are you for or against facebook?

21 comentarios:

  1. 1. i know that facebook is a large comunity of people that comunicate, find friends, watch photographs of them wnd stuff like that.

    2.- i'ts very successful because it has a lot of usses and is very usefull to find old friends.

    3.-i have no idea, i heard a rummor that the C.I.A create it but i don't know.

    4.- i guess i'm not for or against, i have one but i don't really use it, soo.. whatever =P.

  2. 1. I know that it is a kind of BLog, you can up load your pictures, notes and videos. and you can chat with yours friends. You can controle who can see this thing, so you can controle you privacy.

    2. I think that it's very successful, because many people have one, and use it every day.

    3. I really don't know

    4. I'm for facebook, because you can controle your information, so if you dont want to anybody see your things, you can do it. Also, it's a good way for keep in contact with you friends.

  3. 1. I know facebook is a website where you put your personal information, pictures an comentaries and other people can read it and see your pictures too. It's used like a comunication website, and is very famous around the world.

    2. I have heard many people are interested in facebook, and most of my friends have it in their principal websites, so I think that is very succesful.

    3.I don't know who created it exactly, but I know thah it was a young man in USA.

    4. I like faceebook because it's a very interesting and fun website, and because of it I can talk whit people that I don't see very much or even people that I have ever seen before.

  4. Facebook is a website that many people have. If you enter there,you can play games, see photos, send message for your friends and many other things. I like facebook, I tink it is very funny because I like play games and answers test. I tink facebook is very successful beacuse many paople have an account. I dont know who created facebook. I`m for facebook because I only use them for entertainment.

  5. iT's a web site when any person that have internet can create a account and accept their friends. They can game,post their photos comentaries or activities.I think facebook is more succesful because all of people have it and they can comunicate with friend they can´t see long time. I don´t like facebook because i think if you have it you lost your privacy.

  6. 1. it is a page in internet, where I can put fotograph, comentaries and I can be in contact with my friends.
    2. Is successful because I can meet with friends who I didn´t saw in a long time.
    3. I don´t know who created facebook.
    4. I am for facebook.

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. 1) Not much actually, I have a facebook but y don't use it very much. I know that i can see the picture of my friends (and other persons too), some people send me invitations about a lot of thing. i know about some people who meet their family there (good for them). I don't know anything else.
    2)I think is successful here in Chile, almost all the people i know have one, so...
    3)Yes, i created a facebook, but, like i said, y don't use it very much.
    4)In England, for example, the facebook it will be use for spy people, i don't agree with that, but for fun, for meet people and funyy picture, it's OK.

    Amaya Mansilla

  9. . It's a very popular site. people show photography, write a personal things, and make friends.
    2. It's very successful, it's very popular in Chile and in the world. million of people have a facebook.
    3. I don't know.
    4. I don't have facebook so a dont't know anything about the facebook.
    claudia hernández

  10. 1. I know that is a page in internet where people can find people they don´t see for such a long time, specialy friend. You can put photos about anything you want and writte about your day, your life and ideas too.

    2. I think facebook is successful, because there's soo many people that have one.

    3. I saw in the news that it was an student from Harvard.

    4. I like facebook, but I don't up load photos of me or my friend, I just use it to talk with friends that are far away and send e-mails. I don't use it to much.

  11. 1. What do you know about facebook?
    Facebook es an important social tooll for speaking and meeting all your old friend and partners.

    2. How successful is it?
    The facebook is the most successful and important social toll in internet today. In facebook, you can speak with your friends, read your perfil and notes, write them, and look your photos.

    3. Who created facebook?
    I don`t know.

    4. Are you for or against facebook?
    Absolutly I am for facebook.

    Miguel Ahumada Cofré

  12. 1. It's a web site where you can make a profile with your personal information and add contacts to a list of friends. In that web site you can upload pictures, videos, leave messages "on the wall" of your friends, among other things you can get in touch with old friends or classmates that you haven't seen for many years.

    2. It's a very successful site around the world, mainly in Chile. Actually, for some people it's like a second life.

    3. I'm not sure, but I once heard that the facebook creater was a student from Harvard...

    4. I'm for facebook, it's a fun site, I enjoy leaving messages to my friends, getting in touch with old friends and giving on line presents to them and to my boyfriend.

    Jennifer Puglisevich.

  13. 1. Well, Facebook is a web site where you can meet new people and get in touch with your old friends, in this site you can upload your pictures, write messages to your fiends, songs, poems or whatever you want to, also you can share videos for example.

    2. I mean it's very successful, because many people around the world enjoy part of this web site and love it.

    3. I don't remember exactly his name, but i think the creator of Facebook was a student from Harvard.

    4. I'm totallly agree with facebook, I think it's a wonderful tool to comunicate with friends, the only caution I would consider is to be careful about the information you share and the person you share this information with.

  14. 1. i don´t know anything about facebook because i don´t have facebook and i don`t like to show my photography and that people can see it.
    2. the facebook is very popular, is very successful, is extranger that someone doesn´t have facebook.
    3. i don´t know who created facebook, i think that was someone very inteligent and extrovert.
    4. the facebook isn`t intersting for me, i prefer to talk with my friends face to face and if i want to show some photography to them i`ll do personally.
    ana karina zuñiga

  15. 1. I know facebook because I have a facebook.Facebook is the most popular page in my world. This is a social website utility that connect with your friends and family. You can use facebook around the world. You can uploud photagraphy, talk and play with your friends.

    2. Yes. Facebook is very veryyyyyy successful around the world. This is a big business.

    3. I don´t know.

    4. I`m for facebook because is a interesting and useful website. But,you must to be careful with your personal information and privacy.

  16. 1- Facebook is very fantastic, because i have to talk with mi friends and is a social network that keep people in touch.

    2- Is very successful, because you can select your friends in it. facebook help you find old friends.

    3- I don´t know.

    4- I am for facebook, because i like.

  17. 1. I know about facebook just because I use it. I know, for example, that it`s a social tool that lets you to be in touch with your friends and people around the world. Facebook have a lot of very fun applications that let you know a little more about your friends.
    2.I think that facebook is the most popular web site in my country.
    3. I don't know who created facebook, but i think that it was a very good idea.
    4. I'm for facebook, because i think that is a very fun and useful tool that let us share information with our friens. But I think that we have to be careful whit who we share information.

  18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  19. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  20. 1- Facebook is a social network that can meet friends and people known. Facebook have a lot of applications for all users' interests.

    2- Facebook is a popular website. I think that facebook is the most popular social network in the world.

    3- Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg. He was a student at Harvard university.

    4- I have contradictions with facebook, because on the one hand Facebook contact you with friends network and on the other hand Facebook save a large amount of private information about each user.

    Francisca Toledo
